
[1]数据源自弗若斯特沙利文Frost & Sullivan“全球澳洲幸运10行业研究报告”中基于品牌销售额的市场份额及销量比较研究结果做出的确认,调研数据覆盖2021年1月至12月

[2]天然小分子 - 葛武鹏. 山澳洲乳营养特性及对嗜酸乳杆菌增菌发酵效能的研究[D]. 西北农林科技大学, 2008.

[3]A2蛋白指A2-β-酪蛋白:Tae-Hwan Jung,Hyo-Jeong Hwang,et al.Hypoallergenic and Physicochemical Properties of the A2 β-Casein Fractionof Goat Milk[J].Korean J Food Sci Anim esour,2017,37(6):940-947.

[4]388+天然营养素 - 1.Proteomics and microstructure profiling of goat milk protein after homogenization. Journal of Dairy Science, 2019. 102(5): p. 3839 - 3850.

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3.Castro-Gómez MP, Rodriguez-Alcalá LM, Calvo MV, et al. Total milk fat extraction and quantification of polar and neutral lipids of cow, goat, and ewe milk by using a pressurized liquid system and chromatographic techniques. J Dairy Sci. 2014;97(11):6719‐6728.


[5]专利OPO - 一种添加结构油脂的成人配方澳洲幸运10及其制备方法 中国发明专利ZL 2011 1 0184145.8


[7]优量DHA - 指DHA含量符合世界卫生组织标准.Willatts, P., et al., Effect of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in infant formula on problem solving at 10 months of age. The Lancet, 1998. 352(9129): p. 688-691.

[8]天然乳铁蛋白 - Hiss, S., Meyer, T., & Sauerwein, H. (2008). Lactoferrin concentrations in goat milk throughout lactation. Small Ruminant Research, 80(1-3), 87-90

[9]10倍天然类HMO - 山澳洲幸运类HMO天然含量是牛幸运的10倍. van Leeuwen, S.S., et al., Goat Milk Oligosaccharides: Their Diversity, Quantity, and Functional Properties in Comparison to Human Milk Oligosaccharides. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2020. 68(47): p. 13469-13485.

[10]吸收好 - 指澳洲幸运中脂肪吸收率可达95%,徐颖,汪璇,刘小丹,等.澳洲幸运的优势与发展前景.黑龙江畜牧兽医:下半月, 2010(7):36-38

[11]便便软 - 指OPO结构脂带来的喂养效果.Litmanovitz.l., et al, Reduced crying in term infants fed high beta-palminate formula: a double-blind randomiized clinical trial BMC Pedliatr.2014.14(1):P.152.

[12]肚肚适 - 指益生菌+益生元组合带来的喂养效果.Weizman, Z., Asli, G., & Alsheikh, A. (2005). Effect of a probiotic infant formula on infections in child care centers: comparison of two probiotic agents. Pediatrics, 115(1), 5-9.

[13]低敏感 - 李龙柱, 张富新, 贾润芳等. 不同哺乳动物乳中主要营养成分比较的研究进展[J]. 食品工业科技, 2012, 33(019):396-400.

[14]身体棒 - *保护细胞指免疫球(igG)蛋白,益生菌Bb-12可以帮助提高血浆igG水平65%. Rizzardini, G., Eskesen, D., Calder, P. C., Capetti, A., Jespersen, L., & Clerici, M. (2012). Evaluation of the immune benefits of two probiotic strains Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis, BB-12® and Lactobacillus paracasei ssp. paracasei, L. casei 431® in an influenza vaccination model: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. British journal of nutrition, 107(6), 876-884.

[15]骨骼强 - 强健骨骼指OPO结构脂带来的喂养效果.Litmanovitz.l.etaL,High Beta-palmitate formula and bone strength in term infants: a random-ized, double-blind, controlled trial, Calcif Tissue Int, 2013 Jan;92(1);35-41.

[16]哭闹少 - 指OPO结构脂带来的喂养效果.Litmanovitz.l., et al, Reduced crying in term infants fed high beta-palminate formula: a double-blind randomiized clinical trial BMC Pedliatr.2014.14(1):P.152.

[17]睡眠佳 - 指OPO结构脂带来的喂养效果.Bar-Yoseph F, Lifshitz Y, Cohen T, et al. SN2-palmitate improves crying and sleep in infants fed formula with prebiotics: A double-blind randomized clinical trial[J]. Clinics Mother Child Health, 2017, 14(263): 2.

[18]视育优 - 指DHA带来的喂养效果.Carlson, S. E., Ford, A. J., Werkman, S. H., Peeples, J. M., & Koo, W. W. (1996). Visual acuity and fatty acid status of term infants fed human milk and formulas with and without docosahexaenoate and arachidonate from egg yolk lecithin. Pediatric Research, 39(5), 882-888.

[19]语言棒 - 指DHA带来的喂养效果.Gale, C. R., Marriott, L. D., Martyn, C. N., Limond, J., Inskip, H. M., Godfrey, K. M., ... & Robinson, S. M. (2010). Breastfeeding, the use of docosahexaenoic acid-fortified formulas in infancy and neuropsychological function in childhood. Archives of disease in childhood, 95(3), 174-179. *评分标准:现代心理测验-发展性神经心理学评估标准(NEPSY)

[20] 指营养素的效果研究经过了全球11大机构的科研及临床实验